ආයුබෝවන්! (The English version is given below) මේ තියෙන්නේ මගේ පළමු ඇක්රිලික් පින්තාරුව. මේ නිර්මාණය කළේ 12' x 12' කැන්වස් එකක.
මේ වැඩේටනම් වැඩි වෙලාවක් ගියේ නෑ. මුලින් පසුබිම් වර්ණගන්වලා, එය වේලුනාට පස්සෙ, කළ දෙකයි, බූමරංගයයි, සමනළයයි, ඉරයි සිතුවම් කලා. ඒ සියල්ලක්ම සිතුවම් කලේ එක් එක් ප්රමාණයේ තිත් සමුදායකින්. තිත් වලින් හැඩ තල නිර්මාණය කරන අදහස මට ආවේ ඕස්ට්රේලියාවේ ආදිවාසී ජන කොට්ටාසයක් වන ඇබොරිජිනල් වරුන්ගේ සිතුවම් වලින්. තිත් සහ නොයෙකුත් හැඩතල භාවිතයෙන් ඔවුන් ඉතාමත් අලංකාර නිර්මාණ කරනවා. ඔවුන් නිරූපණය කිරීමට තමයි මම බූමරංගයක් මේ නිර්මාණයට එකතු කලේ. කළ දෙක තමයි මට ප්රධාන වශයෙන්ම සිතුවම් කරන්න ඕනි උනේ. මේ සිතුවම කරනකොට මට මතක් උනා අපි පොඩි කාලෙ චිත්ර ඇඳපුවා. ඒ දවස්වල අපි ඇඳපු හැම චිත්රයකම ලස්සනට ඉර පායලා තිබුනා. ඉතින් ඒ මතකයන් අවදි වූ නිසා, මේ චිත්රයෙත් ලස්සන ඉරක් පායලා තියෙනවා නම් හොඳයි කියලා හිතුනා. කොහොම නමුත් ඉරක් නම් පායලා තියෙනවා, ලස්සනක් නම් නෑ. සමනලයෙකුත් හිටියොත් හොඳයි කියලා හිතුනා නිසා, සමනලයෙකුත් තිත් කරල දැම්මා. මේ සිතුවම ගැන මොකද හිතෙන්නේ? මම දන්නවා මේකෙ අඩුපාඩු ගොඩාක් තියෙනවා. පසුබිම ගැන කථා කලොත්, පසුබිම් වර්ණ පැතිරීම ඒකාකාරී නෑ, තැනින් තැන වර්ණ කැටි වෙලා, සමහර තැන් ලාපාටයි, මසමහර තැන් අඳුරුයි. පින්සල් පාරවලු පේන්න තියෙනවා. මගේ මිතුරිය ආංචල් නම් කීවේ පින්සලට තීන්ත ටිකක් වැඩිපුර අරගෙන, හරහට හෝ ඇල අතට, මැද නවත්වන්නෙ නැතිව එකම පින්සල් පාරකින් තීන්ත ආලේප කරන්න කියලා. එහොම නැතුව මග නැවැත්තුවොත්, එතන තීන්ත කැටියක් එකතු වෙලා, කැටිගැහෙනවා කියලා. මේ චිත්රයේ තියෙන ප්රධාන නොගැලපීම නම්, පසුබිම් වර්ණය බෙහෙවින් අඳුරු පැහැ නිසා හැඩතල ඈතට අඳුරන්න අපහසු වීමයි. මේ වගේ අඩුපාඩු තව බොහොමයක් ඇති, ඒවා මට පෙන්නලා දෙන්න, ඒවගේම, ඒවා හදාගන ක්රමයක් දන්නවානම් ඒවත් කියලා දාන්න. මට, ඇක්රිලික් වර්ණ ගැනත්, තෙල් සායම් ගැනත්, පළමු දේශනය දුන්නේ මගේ මිතුරු සෝරෝ ගුප්තා. ඉතින් මම කැමතියි මේ වෙලාවෙ එයාට නැවතත් මගේ ස්තුතිය පුද කරන්න, මට දුන් සහයෝගයට. ස්තුතියි. Welcome This is my first acrylic paint on canvas (12'x 12'). First of all, I would like to thank my first teacher Sourav Sengupta whom I learned about acrylic and oil paintings. I wanted to make a simple painting with some objects in a plain background. So I painted two pots, a boomerang, a butterfly, and the sun. Every object in this small painting is painted with several sizes of dots. After watching several aboriginal artworks, I though it's not difficult, so I want to make a one as well. They make masterpieces which are very diligent with dots and shapes. Since this artwork is influenced by aboriginal arts, I drew a boomerang to represent them. Beside the main objects (two pots), I dotted the sun and a butterfly to make it less sparse. What do you think about it? I know there are lots of defects and mistakes all around, especially in the background and even in the objects. When talking about the background, color smudging is so poor, some places are light and some places with dark dots, even the brush strokes are visible. My friend Anchal, suggested me do draw a full stroke from left to right or in a diagonal direction without a stop in between. The second thing she mentioned is to apply few layers. Thanks, Anchal I will keep them in the mind. Can you please point out the mistakes and defects you can find too and give me some suggestions to overcome them? I really appreciate it. Thanks.
තවත් චිත්රයකින් හමුවෙනතුරු සැමට ජය! ඔයාල හිතන්නෙ එයා කන්නාඩි දාන කෙනෙක්ද? දාන් නැති කෙනෙක්ද? Welcome The latest flower broom from apoorumal is my loving friend, Anchal Sareen. She, Shantanu and Farah are the first friends I made once I came to Australia. They became good friends of mine with time. However, Anchal became a very close friend of mine from my birthday. She did a lot of things to make me happy on my birthday, I will never forget them. I got to know what a beautiful person she is, from that day onward.
I and Anchal work on the same research problem for our PhDs. But, in two different methods, she is searching the answer practically from a water channel, while I am searching it Numerically from a computer. I mean, I am spending a lot of time with her. I discuss all kind of staff with her; personal problems, research problems, friends problems, life problems, especially the meaning of our lives, and so on. She is a nice and energetic person who loves to smile all the time. What I like most about her is her care on others. She is a kind hearted person who loves to helps others. Precisely speaking, she loves and pays close attention to the people around her. Therefore, it is very comfortable when she is around. The best gift that I can ever give her is this portrait to show my sincere gratitude. This is the photo that I aided to sketch this portrait. Please make a comparison and give your comments on how much I have succeeded.
I put my utter effort to sketch Anchal's portrait by preserving her beautiful smile. she is a very beautiful person like a Bollywood actress. I think I could succeed. What I like most on this portrait are the eyebrows. I used a very harped charcoal pencil to draw hair one by one in eyebrows. It gave a nice finishing to the portrait. I have tried this several times, but could not succeed like this. I like the nose as well. Isn't it so realistic? I had to pay a close attention when sketching her mouth which engraved with her pretty smile. I shaded her teeth, the gum, and lips delicately. It is a challenge drawing a mouth with teeth. Because, each and every tooth needs to be studied carefully with its size, shape, and color, otherwise the portrait becomes evil by increasing my stress level. Teeth in the upper row are usually brighter than the lower row because the lower row set underneath the upper row. The corners of the mouth are comparatively dark and the middle part of the lower lip is lighter. Moreover, the gum is lighter than the lips and its texture is different from the lips. I think the lips looks like lips and the gum looks like a gum in my portrait. I am also happy with the Anchal's T-shirt. Earlier, I could not draw and shade cloths properly due to the lack of understanding about its nature. So, I studied it and practiced drawing clothes with foldings several times. Oh yeah... there is another thing that I should really mention. When I first draw her portrait with a carbon pencil, it did not resemble Anchal. I was so upset about it. If it does not looks like her, how can I present it to her?????? But, there were no mistakes on her eyes or the nose or the mouth or hair. But still, it was very different from Anchal. I was about to finish it and had no clue. So I kept it on my table and gazed it for a couple of minutes. I felt like hair face looks longer. Then, I realized that the distance from the mouth to the chin was too much. It was about 1cm lengthier. Surprisingly, once I fixed it the portrait resembled the Anchal's face. See, only one incorrect measurement can destroy the whole portrait. Sanath praised my skill on sketching. He said "Now you can draw very nicely my love. You have improved a lot. Its impressive" I am stopping here. My dear friend Anchal be healthier and happier! I have a quick question for those who have not seen her. Do you think she wears specs or not?